For some of us things began Thursday night as Joe Concannon, Ron Robinson, Pat Zalac and Ed DeChant met at Ed's dad's house for a run through of the program for timing. "Regardless of how this goes down, we are going to have fun" Pat said as the evening began. As it turned out everyone did have loads of fun and Pat turned out to be a natural MC.
The preparation for this reunion went on for more than a year. Ron Robinson has always been an organization person and was a natural to head the reunion planning. We all agreed that working with him was a pleasure. Ron always listened, always probed our thoughts, and in the end I believe all involved got the chance to help mold the program and put into it those things that were important to them. Ron's leadership was exceptional.
Pat Godec brought life's reality to the Saturday event with her telling of a life threatening medical event in her life a few months ago and how much the good wishes from the classmates meant to her recovery. Then she went into a few stories of some of the antics she and some friends went through during our high school days. No names were mentioned except for Pat's. There was the swimming pool story and the joy riding story which were the funniest.
A very big thank you was given to Judy Bixler who many feel is the key to bringing us together. Pat Zalac says "Judy could be a detective. She searched relentlessly for all our email addresses. She composed a list and then kept up our interest as she informed us about goings on in Girard. Judy's part in all this over the decades has been especially important to those who no longer live in Ohio. For them she has been a life line."
Ron Robinson presented Judy with a hand made pin of a Girard Indian Chief.
Betty Charles provided the cupcakes which were class colors of Lavender and white.
Pat Planton was part of the planning committee from the beginning. In addition to that she took care of all the decorations.
Jim Smythe presented each member of our class with a 22 song CD album of the songs we danced to 52 years ago. The music was given from a collection of Floyd and Judy.
Joe Concannon had "G" lapel pins crafted and gave them to each class member.
Jim Ward shipped 2 cases of wine to the party from his "vineyard" in California. Jim began the dinner with a toast to the class and an explanation that he did not have a vineyard but had 1500 vines on this property of an acre and a half. That sounds like a vineyard to most of the class who are proud of their two or three tomato plants each year. Jim's mini vineyard produces 300 cases (3600 bottles) of wine per year of a very high quality Pinot Noir red wine.
Ed DeChant, who is a pilot-volunteer member of the US Coast Guard Aux Aviation Wing sought to honor our ex military class members who were ignored in the 60's and 70's. "They were not recognized then. We are going to recognize them tonight." he said. Ed asked all who served in the USA Armed Services to please stand. Then he asked all who had children or grandchildren who served or were serving to stand. There was a surprising number of people standing in the end.
The entire event was classic example of synergism.
The following photos are from both Jim Santagata (JS) and Ed DeChant *(ED). A notation will will be on each photo.
Joe Concannon, the banker, checks everyone in at the door. Joe and Ron Robinson made a great team.---ED |
Once again Jim Ward brought wine made from grapes found on his 1.5 acre property in California. Jim produces about 3600 bottles per year from 1500 vines which he tends to personally. This Pinot Noir is a particularly good wine. Thanks Jim---ED |
Neighbors united once again. Ron Marks and Joe Concannon lived next door to one another on liberty street as kids.---JS |
![]() Tom Palante (Janice Collins husband, Pat Planton, Janice and Karen Gottschalk-----------------JS |
Bonnie and Betty examine the jewelry --- JS |
Betty Charles brought us the cupcakes in Class of 60 Colors. White and Lavender----- JS
Pat Zalac and Jill Smythe-----JS |
Carol Martin, Jo Anne Ragozzine and Bonnie Faiver---JS |
Mary Gantar and Karen Gottschalk --------JS |
Jim Smythe, |
![]() The Faiver Twins ------JS
Joe Concannon brought lapel pins for everyone with a beautiful G-------------JS |
Jake Barnhart, Karen Battin and Pat Godec Ed |
Csaba Kerekes wife Margaret, Carol Etherington, and Jill Smythe -------- Ed |
Jim, Ron and Art ------Ed |
Ron Teeter and Gordon Gray-----Ed |
Ron Robinson and Pat Planton-------ED |
She is too young, Tom---------ED |
Gary and Carol JS |
Jim and Jill JS |
Aurel and Pam DzurJS
![]() Wayne and Steve JS |
Ellen, Gail and Connie-------JS |
That is mighty fine wine Jim. --- JS |
Janet, Louise, Gail, Carol, Connie, Joan, Bonnie, Joanne, and Pat-------JS |
Tom and John solve the world's problems ----JS |
Ron Marks, Jake Barnhart, Jim Avona and wife Linda JS |
Cheryl and Charlie Googe------------JS |
The Lewis Family JS |
Joan Graham, ----JS |
Jim Kravec and Betty, Tom Cicatiello (Godec), Pat Zalac and Bonnie Faiver-----------JS
Jim Williamson and wife Joanne Brine-------JS |
These two look too young to be in our class JS |
Pat and the Avonas JS |
Jim., Gary, and Jim------JS
Ron, Bonnie and Wayne------JS |
The Raney's turned out to be wonderful ball room dancers. Dance is very much a part of their lives. JS |
Jim Ward leads a toast to the Class of 1960.---------JS |
MC's Pat Zalac and Ed DeChant began the evening with a thank you to all who helped put this reunion together------------JS |
"Can you believe it ---we have reached that Big NUMBER---70!! A great big happy birthday to all of us!!!! Those of you that know me know that I can't even say the number!!! In fact, whenever the subject comes up--like age or where'd you go to school--I say I graduated in the 60's!!!!!!!! And you can use my line if you like!!!! Prices--weight and age ----the numbers just keep going up!!!!! " -MC Pat Zalac , ----JS |
Ed told a story of his quest for brownie points from Miss Schumm. He questioned her about his confusion with the meaning of the word UP. Click here to read that fable. JS |
Ron was like an orchestra conductor who knew the entire score and made best use of his team. It was a pleasure to work under his leadership. JS |
Janice, Karen and Bonnie-------JS |
Louise, Bonnie and Ron------JS |
The Bell of the Ball-----ED |
Ed, Ron, Floyd, Jim and Ron talk sports-----JS |
The Raney's really know how to cut a rug -----ED |
Tom and Pat show us how it is done-----ED |
![]() Larry Lewis leads us in prayer for our departed classmates-----JS |
![]() Each ballon represents a departed class mate Click here for a list.----------------------JS
Click here to begin with GHS Class of 1960's 52nd reunion and 70th birthday party.
Click here for an important message from one of our classmates
Home page Program Sat Night Ed's meeting with Miss Schumm about the word UP
Photos from Amen Corner on Friday Night
Photos from Vernon's on Saturday Night