July 24, 2011 GHS Class of "60 Picnic

At Karen & Boot's House.

Thanks to Jim Santagata for the photos.

Hi Everyone !

First I want to thank Pat (Planton)Zurcher and Karen (Battin) and Boots Martin for the great picnic  they put on yesterday. Attending the picnic were Tom and Pat  Godec Cicatiello , Joe Concannon, Jim and Bonnie Faiver Santagata, Connie Malito,  Jim and Betty Charles Kravec, Pete and Phyllis Chila, Spike and Karen Gottschalk, Carol Etherington, Joe and Louise Aurilio, Ron Marks, Rich Mitulinsky and friend, Chuck and Cheryl Goodge, Wayne and Karyn Miller, Janet Hellmann, John  and Nancy DeSalvo, Joan England, Tom George, Pat Zalac, Rosalind Micha,  and Jim Avona.  We had a really great time  The food was terrific and plentiful and a lot of picture snapping. I'm guessing there's going to be a lot of pictures on class website.  I'll be getting information out to you on a website that Louise Maioriana Aurilio  had a book made from pictures from the past 50th reunion.  Right now I don't have any information but I've seen the book and it's really nice.  Will talk to you later.....I    Judie


Betty, Jim, and Patty

Betty, Pat, and Bonnie

Bonnie, Louise, and Connie

Boots, Karen, Pete, Bonnie and Phyllis

Charlie and Butch

Dinner Time

The Gang is all here

Joan and Janet

Carol and Joe

John and Nancy

Karen and Spike

Tom and Rick

Wayne and Rick

Carol and Pat

Rosalind and daughter


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