"Getting Current"

This page is intended for classmates to keep other classmates current on happenings in their lives.  Life changing events, new grandchildren, special vacations, honors bestowed, medical problems.  We all want to know.





Jay Patrick--Oct 23, 2012


Faye and I retired in June of 2000. We traveled to most of the states and to several countries. (We even made it back to our 40th reunions!)


This year we were to cruise through the Panama Canal in February. We had to cancel that trip as Faye was losing her sight.  She had a couple of surgeries that should have helped her see again, but then an unwanted visitor came into our life. Charles Bonnet (syndrome) arrived and took over Faye’s sight.  He is now with her 24/7.  She sees what he wants her to see, e.g. Castles in Ireland, sheets of music, pages of books, pinnacle cards and even little earth people with cross bows throwing stones at her.  That’s just a few. It can be light or dark it doesn’t matter, Charles is there. And several Drs. Say he will be with her for a year or two. She may be able to see shapes and shadows after he’s gone, but that’s not for sure.


Needless to say, our traveling far and wide is over for the time being.  Her Attitude is great with only a few bouts of depression thrown in. I am her seeing eye dog with lots of responsibilities I never had to face before. Don’t think for a minute that either of us is unhappy or wallowing in self-pity,  we knew this was a possibility. The Drs. Said she would be blind at the age of 40, She sure show them! 


We still travel with friends and family but not as far and as long as we did before. And we both have a wonderful support group that helps over the rough spots. She in fact is flying with her sisters to IL for a wedding at Christmas time for three weeks. I bowed out! Who in their right mind would want to go to IL in the winter and leave the warmth and sunshine of the desert?

With Friendship,

Faye, Jay (and Charles)


Jay, Faye could not have a more perfect person as a care taker.  I remember in our senior year when Jay Patrick was going around the halls of GHS always doing for people.  It is part of your DNA to be a giving person.  Our thoughts are with you both--Ed





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