James Smythe
Jim and Grandson Sam
Jimmy Smythe graduated with his class of ’60 “with luck, lots of luck,” he says.
He spend a year a YSU before realizing he was really undecided as to where to take his life. In 1961 he joined many of his peers and joined the Army. He was quickly off to Fort Dix, NJ and then on to Fort Gordon Georgia for training as a cryptographer and communications specialist.
“I then received shipping orders to report to Kagnew Station Eritrea East Africa??? Did not know where in the H it was, and had to look it up,” Jim explains. From 1961-1963 Jim lived on top of a 10,000 ft mountain in the city of Asmara.
This assignment gave Jim the opportunity to travel. During off times he took many trips to such places as Egypt, Israel, Tanganyika, Italy, Turkey, France, and Germany.
On his return to the US, Jim was stationed out side Washington DC at Vint Hills Farm Station, near Warrington Va. Finally, on completion of his 3yrs of obligation he returned to YSU and Girard.
After his return he and former classmate Diane Gautchi married. Diane was in our class until her senior yr, when she moved to Howland.
Jim then completed his degree at YSU. For the next 7 years he worked for his dad’s old company, Glenn Cartage Co in Girard, as an inspector, and safety director.
After 7 years of marriage the childless couple divorced.
Jim then took the position of liquor control agent for the Ohio Dept of Liquor Control, and rose from field agent to agent in charge of the Columbus District.
In 1970 Jim met and married his wife, the former Jill R Lockson. The couple have had two children, Jennie and Justin.
In 1979 Jim also opened a hobby and craft store in Liberty Twp. He kept the store for 10 years. Then the mill closings and bad economy in the valley had its toll on the local hobby industry.
A year after opening the Hobby Store, Jim took the position as manager with Radio Shack. He remained with them until retirement in 2002.
Jim and Jill’s son and daughter both graduated from Ohio University in Athens Ohio with identical degrees in Biology & Chemistry.
Upon retirement Jim played loads of golf, fished any time he got a chance and sailed (his favorite).
However Jim was used to being active. Boredom set in so he became an educational aid for challenged children. Today you will find Jim working for the Mineral Ridge High School with mentally challenged students.
Jim and Jill have one grand child, Sam, who lives in San Francisco and is 7 years old.
Jim’s hobby's are, golf, sailing, and target shooting with mussel loading rifles and pistols. He competes two to three times a week, and has also competed at the nationals which are held in Friendship In.
Jim and Jill live on Broadway
in the old Smythe homestead. They look forward to seeing all the
classmates at the reunion.